Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Infusion #2 done

Got second infusion on Monday. I checked in at 8:00 AM. Once they get me settled in to my recliner in the infusion room, they order up the chemo drugs from pharmacy. So actual infusion starts around 10:00 am. The 4 infusion drups go in through an IV (drip or nurse push). They give me a cup full of symtom treatment pills and my fist 16 mg of steroids. Next is 1 1/2 hour of rituxan, followed by nurse-push in of two infusions (30 minutes). Then the final drug is dripped in for 45 minutes. I felt fine coming out. Went to lunch with Roberta, her brother Ron and son Clay. I did half of the driving back to Pagosa. The benedryl and the steroids then battled for control. I napped part way home, but then was up from midnight till 3:00 with a steroid buzz.

I am doing neupogen injections. I give myself a small needle in the stomach everyday around 5:00 PM. Seven total days. No big deal. No real pain. The neupogin will go right to my bone marrow to help produce more white blood cells. My white blood cell level is 1600. Normal range is 4000-8000. I was 6000 at start. I haven't felt any bone aching, which might occur.

My appetite is great. We walk every morning. I feel slightly queasy-buzzed most of the day.

We'll see how the energy level rides through the next two weeks. I'm scheduling in remodeling work, at a slow pace.

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