Monday, April 12, 2010

No trace of active" cancer !!!

Went down to VA on 3/29 and had PET scan.  Got resutls from oncologist same day.  I have no active cancer.......I think that means that I have a chance of not having cancer again for quite a while, if ever!  We flew on to Alabama for the rest of the week and celebrated the news wirth our new grandson, Knox.

I feel VERY lucky that they found it early and that it was treatable. Stopping by the VA infusion lab and seeing the continuous stream of 30 or so vets that are probzbly a lot less luvky than myself, I felt very humbled.  Cancer ain't like the Super Bowl.  Results aren't final.  I assume that my cancer may rear it's head again in a year or 10 years or 20.  Right now I glad to have the opportunity to regain my strength and go mountain climbing again this summer.  Yahoo!!

I DID get a case of SHINGLES in January that has progressed to the "post healing nerve pain stage."  I was a little angry with the doctors, who did not tell me to be on the alert for the very clear shingles symptoms.  If you know anyone getting cancer treatment and is over 50 or so, they are a prime candidate for shingles, but the severity can be reduced by taking Valtrex before the rash breaks out.  You first feel like you've bruised a rib for a couple of days and then you develop flu like symptons for a couple of days before finally breaking out.  Tell your doc that you want to be ready for Valtrex if you develop the first sysmptom.  I didn't know what was happening.....shingles!  what's up with that! 

Anyway...........I am elated with the healing news and I'm ready to go get life again!